Karoline Røed Tønnesen

+47 93 03 76 48


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Karoline Røed Tønnesen (Foto: Dev Dhunsi)

Karoline has studied design, advertising and marketing at the Merkantilt Institute in Oslo. She has worked for several years as a project manager in Music Norway with a particular focus on network arenas in Norway, competence-enhancing seminars and our larger events. Karoline has several board and trust positions inside and outside the organisation.

On a day-to-day basis, Karoline is mainly responsible for compliance, which means that she ensures that we both have and use good, internal tools and processes, and generally have "things in order". She also works as an adviser for the grant schemes, project manager of several of our events, and contributes to the development and implementation of projects. Karoline also ensures the production of in-house design and the development of our design profile.

Karoline has a good overview of the music industry in Norway. She can give advice to organizers who want to develop good networking arenas for export, and to Norwegian and international industry on which networking arenas they should participate in. With good expertise in grant schemes, Karoline can also give advice on writing applications.