Tone Østerdal

Tone Østerdal (Foto: Dev Dhunsi)

Tone Østerdal has 20 years of experience in the arts and culture field, and for over ten of them she has worked as a manager. Østerdal has done a lot of policy development, contact with authorities and political lobbying, in addition to organizational development and strategy processes. She has a large network within politics, media, business, culture and civil society.

From August 2018 to July 2022, Tone Østerdal was general manager of Norwegian Culture Organizers (NKA), where, among other things, she distinguished herself as a clear spokesperson in the music industry's and culture's handling of the corona pandemic. For this, she was awarded the Voice of the Year award by the magazine Subjekt in 2020. Østerdal further laid the groundwork for NKA's expansion from being an organization exclusively for concert organizers to include organizers from the entire breadth of the cultural field. NKA's membership increased by nearly 30 per cent during her term.

Østerdal has previously worked for 15 years in county municipal administration in the field of culture, the last seven of these years as head of culture in Buskerud and Akershus respectively. She has a master's degree in interdisciplinary cultural studies, and further education in areas such as audience development and process management. Østerdal has and has held a number of board positions in various parts of the cultural field, including in nyMusikk, Norsk publikumsutvikling, Nagelhus Schia Productions AS and Mediefondet Zefyr. She has been a member of the working committee in the Music Industry's business council, and conducted jury work for Spellemann. She also has several years behind her as an examiner for the bachelor's degree in cultural management at the University of Southeast Norway.