by:Larm: Speed meetings with agents

From  —  To

by:Larm: Pokalen, Oslo, Norway

Breakfast Meetings Bylarm2020 MG 9250 Foto Helge Brekke
Frokostmøte emerging markets under by:Larm i 2020

Meet German and UK agents at by:Larm

Do you want to expand your network and pitch to international agents? Now is your chance. This year you can meet agents from the UK and Germany when Music Norway and by:Larm hold speed meetings between the Norwegian and international industry. Here you will get a short but good opportunity to present your artists and projects to the international market.

Agentene du kan møte er:

  • Tyskland Arthur Janssen Playbook Artists
  • UK Ben Haslett Earth Agency
  • UK Tom Grainger UTA
  • UK Tor Breon WME
  • UK Sam Russell ATC Live
  • UKJacob Simone UTA
  • UK Jamie Shaughnessy CAA
  • UK Michael Cherella WME

The meetings last 7 minutes each, so have your pitch ready. We provide coffee and baked goods!

Sign up by September 9.