Meet & greet: Nordic Music Biz’s Top 20 under 30
— 15:00 — 16:00
by:Larm, International Lounge, Oslo, Norge

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We invite you to an informal meet & greet with Nordic Music Biz’s Top 20 under 30, to celebrate the future executives and driving forces in the Nordic music industry. The young talents in the industry with ears to the street and eyes to the sky are the next in line ready to make magic. By bringing new perspectives, new ideas and new business models into our industry they are a vital part in changing the music scene. For the third time we’ll present the 20 young industry players who’s in the forefront of bringing the Nordic music to the world. The talent of the Nordics seem to never ending. A vital part of the rise of these artists are the teams behind them, and especially the young forces who bring new perspective, ideas and business models to an ever-changing industry.