What’s Happening in the Nordic Hip Hop Scene

Fra  —  Til

Pokalen, by:Larm, Oslo, Norge

Bylarm Nordic Hip Hop

Hip Hop has gone from underground to mainstream in a few decades and it’s no denying its global success.

In this panel we look at what’s happening in the Nordic Hip Hop scene now and who are the key players. How can we strengthen the success of our Nordic talent within the genre? Let´s look into some of our Nordic success stories and how Hip Hop travels across the region.

Meet the panel:

Nora Mamdu
Nora Mamdu jobber som A&R Manager i Universal Music Norge. Hun er i tillegg DJ og utdannet lyddesigner. Med klubbkonseptet GYMMEN startet hun sin karriere som DJ i 2014. Dette bød på mange muligheter - klubbkonsept i Oslo og Trondheim, gigs i utlandet, arbeid med booking, samt å turnere med både OMVR og Myra. Da hun ble ferdigutdannet lyddesigner ved Westerdals i 2019, vant avgangsfilmen hun var med på å lage flere priser i utlandet. I sommerferiene under studietiden vikarierte hun hos NRK mP3 som radiovert. Hun har også vært innom Radio Nova, sammen gjengen i Nova Amor. Etter endt studie ble hun plukket opp av Universal Music Norge.
Bergthor Masson
Bergþór Másson, The 26 year old Bergþór Másson has been working in the Icelandic music industry since becoming manager of electro-pop duo ClubDub in 2018, one of Iceland most popular acts. A key element in their success was a clever release strategy that built interest and audience for the band. In early 2020 Masson added Iceland’s top rapper Birnir to his roster, serving also as record label and publisher for both artists. Masson also took a job as an A&R consultant for Sony Music Denmark’s operation in Iceland. Further he hosts two popular podcasts in Iceland, Skoðanabræður and Kraftbirtingarhljómur guðdómsins where he has interviewed more than 50 Icelandic rappers.
Marius Solberg
Marius Solberg is the editor and host of YLTV, the biggest platform for Scandinavian rap & rnb, with 1.2 million unique users in 2020. He's also one of the leading authorities on the genres in Norway, with a background as a journalist, manager and booking agent + SoMe and PR-manager.
Sara Faraj Label Manager, Asylum/Warner Music Sweden AB Six months before graduating from Linneaus University studying Music & Event management, Sara (26) started working at Warner Music Sweden in early 2019 as a project manager for Asylum with their local Hip-hop/RnB roster. Working along with artists like Aden x Asme, Cherrie, Ricky Rich, Stormzy, K27, 1.Cuz, A36 and many more. With the mindset of working more creatively and with an independent spirit with artists and within management – Asylum is today a playful, creative and artist friendly label that not only works traditionally with releasing music, but within the whole artist career to build something bigger for the artists future.